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Kickstarter Update 9: Movement and Stamina System

4/11 - 2015

Hello and welcome to our ninth Kickstarter update!

Movement and Stamina System

Welcome to a new Kickstarter update! Today we’ll talk about the movement system for War of Rights. Please note that all animations shown below are work-in-progress and will get refined and reworked once we are funded and can continue to work on the game.

Movement Speeds and Rifle Stances

War of Rights will feature three stages of movement speeds: quick time (walk), double quick (run) and charge (sprint). We are also going to support both right shoulder shift as well as shoulder arms stances in the game.

You'll also be able to kneel and fire for extra accuracy or, say, reload behind that safe looking snake rail fence. Note that we’re only going to be allowing you to be stationary while kneeling since we’re not going to have any crouched type warfare in the game.

Freelook Mechanic

By holding Alt while moving or standing still, the players will be able to freely look around while walking in a different direction, much like is possible in the ARMA series or DayZ. This is useful if, for example, you want to make sure your regimental comrades are indeed marching along with you while pressing forward in a line formation. Your head will be animated while you’re looking around so you better not look at the birdies when standing at attention or the officer will have a fit!

Stamina System

The Stamina system for War of Rights will be a relatively unforgiving one. The less stamina you have, the shorter you can double quick or charge. The stamina system also affects how you do with weapons so don’t expect to hit anything far away if you’ve just charged an empty enemy position, and you’re all out of breath. Stamina in War of Rights can be gone fast if you’re not careful, and if you spend it all, it will be a while before you’re able to fully control your character in battle. Quick time won’t decrease stamina, but it will, however, slow down the regeneration of stamina. Double quick will decrease some stamina, but it is a fairly balanced movement speed regarding how far and how fast it gets you compared to the stamina used. The Charge will use a huge amount of stamina and should only be used if you HAVE to get somewhere fast and you know there are no enemies in the distance that can kill you for not being careful. The officer of your regiment can issue move specific orders that, if followed, will reduce the stamina spent in the form of a morale boost for performing the task as a unit.