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Kickstarter Update 8: Spawn System

2/11 - 2015

Hello and welcome to our eighth Kickstarter update!

Spawn System

Welcome to the eighth War of Rights Kickstarter update! Before we kick these off, we’d like you all to please keep in mind that the mechanics are still very much a work in progress. Things will get added, removed or completely overhauled as the development continues and we begin playtesting. With that out of the way, let’s dig into the spawn system of War of Rights.

We’ve designed the spawn system of the game with a heavy emphasis on supporting prolonged group play in the best possible way. We want players to be able to stay together with their regiment as much as possible during a match. This means tackling the issue usually found in multiplayer games with respawns: a constant stream of freshly spawned players at the spawn point, each spawning with very little delay after they have died, effectively splitting up the regiment after the first wipe. To fix this, we’re opting to go with what we call a “base spawn wave” system.

Base Spawn Wave

The base spawn wave is part of the two-way spawn system in War of Rights. It’s all about not letting players of a certain regiment spawn in the base area of the faction before a considerable amount of the players in the regiment has fallen. We will achieve this by having a countdown timer start whenever the first player of the regiment has fallen. The initial countdown total for the timer will be long but, should you - for some reason - want to wait it out without anything else happening, you can do so. Each time a player of the regiment falls, the time remaining on the timer will be reduced by a certain amount, which, for example, is adjusted so that the timer will hit zero when 75% of the players of the regiment have fallen. This secures a swift respawn together with all (or most of) your regiment comrades if, for example, you have just been wiped out in an engagement where you were greatly outnumbered.

However, what if you get singled out early by a sharpshooter or if you're so unlucky as to be hit by a piece of stray shrapnel while still being far from combat? To make sure players have the option to quickly get back into action with their mates should the above happen, we’re going to be featuring the “personal reinforcement tickets” for your convenience.

Personal Reinforcement Tickets

Personal reinforcement tickets or PRT are, as the name suggests, personal and set for each player. These tickets are highly limited and slowly replenish as the match duration lengthens. It is our way of simulating a company held as reserves for the fighting companies of a regiment. Whenever a player has fallen, and they have remaining PRT, they will be given the option of spawning on the color bearer of the regiment. Only one player can utilize this option at a time, and there will be a certain amount of time in between several PRT spawns. Moreover, the spawning player will be fair game for any enemy in the area the second he respawns, and he will spawn without a loaded weapon, so choose wisely when you're going to spend your PRT!

Acting as a “mobile spawn point” is one of the most important tasks for the color bearers in the game. It seems fitting to us to assign them with this task since they very much are the guiding banners as to who is who on the battlefield (reserves being able to tell their regiment apart from others). The PRT makes it even more important that you make sure to keep the colors flying high as no reserves can reinforce the regiment if the color bearer is dead and the flag is on the ground. An HUD element will appear on the screen whenever the flag has been dropped, guiding the players in the regiment towards it. The remaining survivors after a base spawn wave will be given a free PRT to spend so they can quickly join up with the majority of the newly spawned regiment.